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English Name: Winter Cherry
Hindi Name: Asgandh
Sanskrit Name: Ashwagandha, Hayagandha, Vajigandha
Latin Name: Withania somnifera Dunal Pennell

A small perennial shrub with white flowers and orange red berry found in warmer regions of India. Today the herb is completely domesticated and is cultivated extensively in central and western India. The roots are used in the preparation of various formulations of Ayurvedic origin.


Roots of Winter cherry are highly acclaimed tonic for brain and nervous system in Ayurveda. Its usage is recommended in preventive health care. It is considered as "Medhya" which implies to its beneficial effects to the brain. Detail investigations, both clinical and experimental, observed that Ashwagandha acts as an antistress and adaptogenic herb. Regular use of Ashwagandha improves stress tolerance, thereby enhancing the mental capabilities. It is also known to improve the quality of immune functions. By virtue of these uses it is often referred to as "Indian Ginseng".

Chemical composition

Ashwagandha is characterized by the presence of steroidal lactones, alkaloids and flavonoids. The steroidal lactones of Ashwagandha are collevtively known as Withanolides. Ashwagandha roots are reported to contain more than 30 steroidal lactones and about 20 alkaloids. Many of the chemical constituents have been investigated for different biological activities.

Effect on dosha

Balances kapha and vata.

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