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English Name: Three Leaved Caper
Hindi Name: Baruna, Barna
Sanskrit Name: Varana
Latin Name: Crataeva nurvala Buch-Ham Pennell

A moderate sized deciduous tree found wild but also cultivated throughout India. Bark of the tree is used in Ayurveda.


Varuna (the God of water) attains its name in Sanskrit because of its effect on the bodily fluids and urinary system. It is recommended by the Ayurveda in the treatment of various urinary problems including stones in kidney, ureters and bladder. Brief investigations on Varuna suggest it for its urinary, antiseptic and litholytic (stone breaking) actions.

Chemical composition

Triterpenoids lupeol and varunol have been isolated from the roots and stem bark. Leaves yield flavonoids including rutin, quercetin and isoquercetin.

Effect on dosha

Pacifies kapha and vata, promotes pitta.

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