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English Name: Staff Tree
Hindi Name: Malkangani
Sanskrit Name: Jyotishmati
Latin Name: Celastrus paniculatus Willd Pennell

An unarmed climbing shrub with yellowish-green flowers found wild in tropical and subtropical Himalayas. Seeds possess medicinal properties.


More often different parts of staff tree are used to overcome pain and local inflammations. However, Ayurveda recognizes its seeds as an effective nervine tonic. Its use is recommended in chronic debilitating diseases of nervous system. Also, staff tree finds its application to promote memory and learning abilities.

Chemical composition

The seeds yield brownish-yellow oil with an unpleasant taste. This oil is reported to contain acetic acids and benzoic acids in addition to the higher amount of the fatty acids.

Effect on dosha

Pacifies vata and kapha, promotes pitta

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