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English Name: Onion
Hindi Name: Piyaz
Sanskrit Name: Palandu
Latin Name: Allium cepa Linn Pennell

An annual herb cultivated extensively for its bulb, which is used as a spice and condiment. Herb possesses various medicinal properties too.


Onion has been an important constituent in the foods all over the world. In experimental studies it was observed that use of onions reduces blood sugar levels in experimental diabetes. Also it was observed that onions inhibit platelet aggregation and control higher lipid content in the blood (Hyperlipidaemia). In some other studies it was observed that ointment prepared from the onions minimize the scars formation in burn injury.

Chemical composition

Bulb contains an acrid volatile oil, Quercitine, kaempferol, cycloallin, abundant starch, mucilage, albumen, and sugar and sulphur compounds.

Effect on dosha

Pacifies vata and aggravates kapha.

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