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English Name: Indian Senna, Tinnevelly senna
Hindi Name: Senaya
Sanskrit Name: Svarnapatri
Latin Name: Cassia angustifolia Vahl Pennell

An annual leguminous herb cultivated extensively in the southern parts of the country for its pods and leaves which are used in Ayurveda as well as in modern system of medicines.


Senna leaves have been extensively used by Ayurveda and other traditional system of medicine as a laxative. It is one of the safe and effective remedies in the treatment of constipation. Its laxative effect has been investigated in detail. These investigations suggest that it helps to maintain a harmonious peristalsis of large intestine.

Chemical composition

Senna leaves contain anthraquinone derivates, which are present in both free and combined state. Two crystalline glucosides sennoside A & B have been reported from the leaves and pods. Sennoside A & B are reported to have potent laxative action. Senna also contains a yellow flavonol colouring matter kaempferol.

Effect on dosha

Balances vata and promotes pitta.

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