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English Name: Elephant foot
Hindi Name: Zamikanda, Suranakanda
Sanskrit Name: Arsoghna, Kandala
Latin Name: Amorphophallus campanulatus Pennell

A tuberous, stout, indigenous herb, 1.0-1.5 m found almost throughout India. Tubers depressed, globose or hemispherical, dark brown outside, pale dull brown, sometimes almost white, with numerous long roots; leaves solitary, tripartite, 30-90 cm broad.


The corms are irritant due to the presence of calcium oxalate. It can also be made pickles. The stems can be used as cattle feed. They are rich in nutrients and minerals. They are carminative, aperients and expectorant. The fresh ones are an acrid stimulant and expectorant and increase appetite and taste. They are applied to treat acute rheumatism. They are also used in dysentery, piles and hemorrhoids.

Chemical composition

It contains proteins, fat, fiber, carbohydrates, starch, oxalic acid and minerals calcium, phosphorus, Iron and vitamin A. Besides these, glucose, galactose and xylose are also present. The presence of an active diastatic enzyme is reported. The corm contains betulinic acid, beta sitosterol, stigmasterol, lupeol and beta sitosterol palmitate.

Effect on dosha

It pacifies Kapha and elevates Vata & Pitta.

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