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English Name: Dita
Hindi Name: Chhativan, Satawana
Sanskrit Name: Saptaparni, Saptahva, Saptacchada
Latin Name: Alstonia scholaris Pennell

The tree grows from 50 to 80 feet high, has a furrowed trunk, oblong stalked leaves up to 6 inches long and 4 inches wide, dispersed in seven whorls round the stem, their upper side glossy, under side white, nerves running at right angles to the mid-rib. The bark is almost odorless and very bitter, it is found in irregular fragments 1/8 to 1/2 inch thick, texture spongy, fracture coarse and short, outside layer rough uneven fissured brownish grey and sometimes blackish spots; inside layer bright buff, transverse section shows a number of small medullary rays in inner layer.


The bark paste is applied locally in chronic skin ulcers. It is given in postnatal conditions to mothers for increasing lactation. It also increases digestive power and is also given in fever as an antipyretic.

Chemical composition

The bark contains Ditamine, Echitamine, Echitamidine, Echitanine, Echicaoutchien, Echicerin, Echitin, Echitein, Echiretin and fatty acids.

Effect on dosha

Pacifies Kapha, vata and Pitta.

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