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B - Fresh Churna

It is useful for chronic constipation, acidity, gas, headache and mouth ulcer.

Uniqueness: Regular use of product also cure bleeding Piles.

Note: Use of B-Fresh Churna did not cause cramp in stomach.

Satapatrika, Sanchal Salt, Sveta Jiraka, Krishna Jiraka, Pippali, Sunthi, Haritaki, Yavakshara, Tankan, Sookshmaela, Sendhav, Maricha, Swarna Patri.

Use 3/4 - 1 teaspoon in evening after meal with fresh water or as directed by the physician.


M. R. P.

50 gm

100 gm

220 gm




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Disclaimer : Do not use this information to diagnose or treat your problem without consulting your Physician/Doctor. Duration of treatment and onset of action with the medicines depends on various factors like severity & symptoms of disease, age & physical conditions of the patient etc.

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